Without Prejudice
CityHallTips.com is set up for the purpose of keeping societies feel safe and to combat corruption in city halls including any of the police forces under the city hall banners from west to the east coast of Canada. Here is the mandate of this website.
This is an open online community network for all Canadian citizens and/or residents to post their concerns and suggestions for any city within a province of Canada.
Legitimate claims of corruption shared on CityHallTips.com can also be pursued by our legal representatives under its applicable jurisdiction.
All Canadian news outlets (broadcast, print, or online) are free to cite contents shared by contributors from CityHallTips.com by means of disclosing it for public knowledge.
To create an account, every contributor has a choice to identify herself/himself or anonymously. Registering an account on CityHallTips.com means you have read and understood our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
With your care and support, we can make our cities livable to its highest standards as we want it to be of which everybody can benefit from.
Thanks to our dedicated community of volunteers for editing and providing maintenance to this website. If you love what we do and have the means to support us for continuing our work here on CityHallTips.com, you can do so by proceeding to this secured link.